
Hold Music.

You know that feeling when you call your bank, and they say, "Can you hold for just a moment, please?" It's a gut wrenching feeling, ain't it? Like, "Oh no. I'm gonna be here forever." And then that crappy ass music comes on the line, and you're suddenly contemplating suicide?

First off, if you are actually having thoughts of committing suicide over hold music, or anything for that matter... please, please, seek immediate mental attention. Secondly... I've come across actual good hold music lately. I just got a new job at a hotel reservation center, and I find myself on hold a lot. In turn, I listen to some "hold music."

The first time I was put on hold, I got that stomach ache again, and the thought of doing this EVERYDAY, really scared the crap outta me. But then I heard "Free Falling" on the line, and I found myself singing a long and having a good time. And I figure now, that I can get used to it. The songs are really good, some I've never heard, but I've already got them memorized and I'm singing a long. But that's inevitable, put a good song in front of me, and I know it within the first three times I play it back. My only problem is that I really need to get a hold of their Hold Music CD. If it exists.

My next goal after that... locate decent Elevator Music.

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