
Modest Fucking Mouse. Ok? Ok.

BEST CONCERT OF MY LIFE. Here is my recap: :]

For Pictures: "Click Here" My cousin is the very last picture in the trash bag. We wrote "Rain Or Shine" On the bag, because MM has always been a ROS band and they were taking forever to show up. After the picture was taken, we started a chant... and then it hailed on us.

Me, my cousin, and his girlfriend all headed out to the show. On the way there, it started to sprinkle just a little bit. I was hoping it wouldn't rain, considering I didn't have the proper attire. I had shorts, a white t-shirt, and flip flops. We got there early enough that we got FRONT ROW. And when I say front row, I mean making friends with the securtiy and camera guy, front row. The first thing I did when I got to the stage was hug it.

The Dirt Dozen Brass Band opened for Modest Mouse. I LOVED THEM BEYOND ANYTHING. I was amazed, that I got to see a New Orleans Jazz band LIVE!! I couldn't believe it. I danced, sang, and just listened to the music. I was glad to see some people dancing to the music. Sadly, I had idiots behind me saying, "When are they going to play real music?" I wanted to turn around and beat the crap out of them. But then I remember that my generation is a bunch of ass holes. But anyways... their guitarist blew me away. Unfortunately, I never learned his name. However, I did get to talk to him! Close to the end of their show it started lightening, and they had to quit early. And then we had the wait... the very long wait. It consisted of chanting for Modest Mouse, talking to the security guard again, and just plain being bored.

I eventually saw the guitarist from the Opening band and waved at him, he waved back. (I felt special, lol). I eventually summoned him over to us and he came and talked to us. He had been playing guitar for 22 years... which explained a lot, lol. I told him that I've been dying to see New Orleans Jazz for awhile, and it's no where up here in Omaha. He had that real thick southern accent. I actually didn't expect it... Taylor's wasn't ever that thick. It was cool though, at least I could understand him, lol.

So then it rained... just a little. And it stopped. Then it rained some more, and wouldn't stop. We still hung around and waited, chanted, and bullshitted. Most of the crowd left... there was maybe less than 80 people still standing there after about an hour. Well... eventually, I had to pee and so did the girl next to me. So we decided to go on the other side of the fence, where the buses were. She takes a squat, and out comes the lead singer, Isaac Brock, and two of the other guys from the band. They had trash bags over their heads. I shouted, "Nice hats dude!" and waved at them. They laughed and waved back. They were maybe five feet from me. But I got scared and ran off back to the crowd screaming, "THEY'RE COMING!! THEY'RE COMING!!" No one believed me, till Isaac jumped off stage with his Taylor acoustic guitar and started singing "Float On" in the middle of everyone. Other than the guitar, they had a small trash can, a tambourine, and popcorn bowl that they used earlier to give out chocolate to us. I got up on the stage myself, to get a better look... till I got kicked off. But it was still awesome!!

After they played they got back onto the stage, and we assumed that was it. But my cousin and I noticed there was no security by the back gate, so we walked around to the back of stage and right on in. But someone spotted us as we were heading towards the band. The worst they could do was kick us out, and we were leaving anyways. So we turned around and walked off. We headed back up the hill towards the car, not till I attempted a mud slide first though. I learned then... do not carry hard objects in your pocket. And I also learned that it was good idea for me to wear my swimsuit there as well. We got to the car that wouldn't start, until I called someone and told them we were stuck... then it magically started. So I rolled down my window so I could see myself backing up and realized there was no more rain... and then I saw a bunch of people taking off back down the hill, and then I heard drums going. So I rolled up the window and turned off the car, and we booked it down there. We didn't get the same spots we had, but we were still pretty close. They came out and played the whole show! It went all the way till midnight. During, the song "Dance Hall" Isaac slipped and fell down, but he continued to sing while he laid there. He also dived into the crowd and the music stopped once, because something happened. I'm not sure what. Rumor was that night, that he went down to deck a guy who tried hitting a girl.

The last song... if I'm not mistaken... I think Isaac lit up a joint, but nowadays he could get in trouble, so it was probably just a cigarette. The song was called, "The Good Times Are Killing Me." Which is one of my favorites. They played "Little Motel" "Float On" "Satin In A Coffin" and "Paper Thin Walls" all my favorite songs from them. I bought a t-shirt and took pictures, and videos. And I had the best time of my life.

So now... If Mr.Hicks would learn from this... and NOT cancel his shows. He might actually make some fans and/or money.


caryl said...

Wow! That sounds like a great time. Did you tell the guitarist that you play?

Kenzie Ryan said...

No... I figured his 22 years beats my 2. lol

Julie said...

You know Kenzer, a New Orleans accent is not like any other southern accent. Taylor's is Alabama... the New Orleans one is a mix of Cajun, southern, and some weird New York twang mixed in. I love it. And the DDBB!